Did you know...?
Most babies will end up sleeping on their tummies!
I know it seems odd since there's so much talk about 'back to sleep', which is still true!
But there will probably be a day where you look at the video monitor or walk into your baby's room and they’re sleeping face down!
Don't panic!
Most babies end up sleeping on their tummies for years!
Here are a few things to note about this milestone:
It usually happens between 4-7 months
We will see signs of rolling during the daytime, and sometimes it will start at night (just like my first daughter! I got up 10x that night to roll her onto her back...it was nuts)
Daytime practice is your best friend!
Make sure your baby is in a sleep sack and has a good arm range of motion
How to do daytime practice:
Lay them on the floor, on a blanket, and lift the edge of the blanket to encourage them to roll. You'll want to practice both ways!
They'll most likely have a favorite side, but you want them to be able to roll to the left and the right in case they get a little stuck in their crib.
Usually, getting onto their tummy isn't the issue, but rolling to their back!
Encourage them with gentle pressure to roll back so they get used to the motion of it!
But what do you do when they roll in the night and are unhappy about it?
If you've gone in a few times to try to help them settle onto their back, but they just keep rolling, you can stay with them and encourage them to settle on their tummy.
{P.S. This is why having nothing else in the crib is important so they don't get tangled in anything!}
Is this helpful? I hope so!
Have a topic you'd like to know more about?
Hit reply and let me know!
P.s. I wrapped up a few clients recently who were waking up several times a night, co-sleeping, and at the end of their rope, and I'm happy to report that their family is sleeping well, baby is napping on their own, and moms and dads have some time to connect.
If you've thought to yourself "I'd love to have my hands free for a few minutes in the day" or "I'd love to connect with my partner in the evening, but bedtime sucks!" (or anything in between),
Let's talk!
What to expect on this call:
My smiling face! (It's via zoom)
Questions about your child's sleep
Figure out what you'd like sleep to look like
And a discussion on how I can help you get to those goals
Here for you,
Melody Patton