Let's chat about teething and sleep!
I get questions with almost every client about teething and how to manage sleep when it happens.

So, before we get to the 'how's', let's review a few basics about teething!
Teething typically happens between 4-7 months of age.
Teething pain also is typically for 1-3 days, so if 'teething' is going on and on, and there's no teeth...as my child would say "That's so sus!" (suspicious)
Typical signs of teething are:
Swollen gums, where you can see the white teeth underneath.
Irritability (not a sign on its own)
Chewing on toys (not a sign on its own)
Drooling (there's an increase in saliva production around 2 months, this isn't teething)
Rosy cheeks (a clue to what may be happening)
Things that are often said to be signs of teething, but are not:
-Severe increase in irritability
-Inconsolable crying
-Fever above 38 degrees C
Beware of the common advice, or comments from other people around these symptoms.
It's been shown that when teething is blamed for these symptoms, it can delay seeking care for a sick child.
*This is not medical advice*

Okay, so now that we've identified signs of teething, let's chat about what you can do to help your baby through it.
Keep in mind, that not every baby has signs of teething!
Sometimes a tooth just pops in by surprise with no disturbances!
Comfort measures can include:
-Baby chewing toys, a cold washcloth that was placed in the freezer for 30-0 seconds, and gum massages.
-Extra cuddles and baby wearing.
-Consider pain management. If baby is younger than 6-months, then only Tylenol, and over 6-months, can consider adding Advil. Talk with your doctor more about this.
Now onto the sleep related tips!
1) Keep doing your bedtime and naptime routines
Don't throw out all that you've established!
Continue with your baby's bedtime routine, maybe they need to go to bed sooner if they're a bit cranky.
2) You may need to tend to them at night
If your baby is waking up and seems to be in pain, they may need some pain management, some extra cuddles then back to bed.
3) By having healthy sleep habits already established, your baby will cope better through things like teething and illness
4) If there's a regression, don't wait to get back to your sleep routines!
If illness or teething has thrown off your baby's sleep routines, then once everyone is well, let's get back to what we were doing before.
Pro-tip: Make sure the feed is earlier in the routine, and that baby isn't getting sleepy with the feed.
5) It shall pass
This isn't a tip per se, but a good reminder that teething isn't forever and that the tooth will come through, and they will return to their normal selves again.
Is your baby not sleeping well, no matter what's going on?
Hit the button below, book a quick 15-minute discovery call to find out how we can get your baby sleeping well!

Here for you,
Melody Patton