We returned this week from our trip to Nova Scotia, and I'm here to share some insight with you!
First thing- the time difference!
Nova Scotia is 3 hours ahead of Alberta, and my husband and I decided that we would try to stay on Alberta time, especially since we were only gone for six days.
That meant that our kids were going to bed at 1030 pm (In NS) and waking up at 9/930 am.
There were a few nights when we got them to get a bit earlier, due to the overstimulation of visiting family, sightseeing (hello rocks at Peggy's cove!) and just being out of routine.
On average they slept 12-13 hours a night!

Except the night that my youngest was up puking every hour...on the hour...yup. A lovely stomach bug had hit her, and it was just awful!
It took her a couple of days to recover from that, and heck, me too!
A few things to note:
My youngest, who is 3, hasn't napped in almost a year. During this trip she frequently took a nap because of all the extra activity. We approached this cautiously, as usually at home it meant that bedtime would be a disaster.
Thankfully, it didn't affect her bedtime while away.
{Your child may need to take an extra nap while away, and that's okay! }

A note about the time difference:
If you're traveling somewhere that's 2-3 hours ahead/behind, and are traveling for less than 2 weeks, just stay on home time, or as close to it.
If you're traveling overseas, it's really difficult to stay on home time, so getting on local time as quickly as you can is ideal.
Coming home:
I know this is something you worry about (because I worry too...)
Once you've arrived home, get back on home routine!
You will need some extra patience, as your child will most likely be tired from travel and take a couple of days to catch up.
That also means that if you were putting your baby down awake at bedtime, and maybe things changed while away, get back to it!
No need to wait a few weeks to get back on track;) You'll all feel better the sooner you can hop back on the home train.
Is your baby not sleeping well no matter where you are? I can help!
The majority of my clients see a massive improvement in their baby's sleep within the first week, meaning you can get your baby sleeping real soon.
Here for you,
Melody Patton
