The nice thing about the end of daylight saving is that, in your pre-kid world, it meant you got to sleep an extra hour...
In your post-kid world, it means your child is up earlier, according to the clock.
I would be lying if I said I love the end of daylight saving...maybe some of you enjoy it?
Okay, but for the rest of us parents, here’s what we have to do!
First things first, Sunday morning: Wake up Sunday morning, have your coffee and breakfast as per usual (Because Sundays should be an enjoyable day, should it not?), and then start your day! Once everyone has been fed, then go around your home, and change your clocks (don't forget your vehicle clock too!).
If you have a newborn (under 8 weeks):
Their schedule tends to be late, meaning they have a late start, then the end of daylight saving isn't a big deal and typically you don't need to adjust too much.
If you have a baby that's 3-18 months:
You have a couple of options- Option A:
Day 1: Let's say your baby normally wakes at 7 am but now is waking at 6 am due to the change. Don't rush in there right at 6 am when they wake up.
Wait 10 minutes after they wake up before going in there and starting your day.
Day 2: Wait 20 minutes.
Day 3: Wait 30 minutes and so on. What you're doing here is helping them adjust to a new wake up time slowly. By the end of the week, their body will have adjusted and hopefully, you will have too!
Option B:
Split the difference right away!
Push your baby's bedtime back by 30 minutes, and then push their nap back by 15 minutes or so over a few days so that you can eventually readjust to the new time!
How to manage your Toddler (18+ months):
Using a toddler clock such as a 'Groclock' or 'Okay to wake' or a simple digital clock will help. By using these types of tools, you communicate with your child expectations, and they are tools that they can understand!
So, if they are usually up at 7 am but now you're anticipating a 6 am wake up, set the clock for 6:30 am. By the end of the week, you can set the clock back to 7 am as they will have had some time to adjust to the new time.
Toddler tips:
Tell your toddler that the clock is changing and that you want them to stay in bed a little bit later:) This is where a toddler clock PLUS talking to them about it can be helpful. A toddler clock along won't fix things!
Pushing bedtime back is key for this age group to help them sleep in later, but if they're overtired at bedtime, push their bedtime back to 15 minutes every few days instead of 30 minutes.
Hello nap, how you are needed!
Toddler naps: Split the difference! Push their nap back by 30 minutes for a few days and then readjust to the new time.
If your toddler goes to daycare, they'll be pushed at daycare and there isn't much you can do about it:)
Helpful tip: Outdoor playtime for 30-45 minutes in the late morning, helps A LOT with naps! If your child is struggling to adjust, head outdoors to let that fresh air tire them out.
"Why must the people who don't want to go to bed be put to bed, but those who want to go to bed, aren't allowed to"
Helpful bedtime tip:
Get in the bath!
Struggling to keep the grumpiness/chaos down around bedtime?
Pop open the bubble bath and let the kiddos play. It's a great transition for nighttime and it feels so nice to get into PJs after a bath.
Happy end of daylight saving!
Melody Patton
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